Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Madeline's Steakhouse (Sandy, Utah)

Aka: Madeline's Steakhouse
   This week we had a fairly large group and so we decided to try whet our appetites at Madeline's Steakhouse next to the South Towne Mall in Sandy (And right next to Noodles and Company). One of the major draws for us to go to Madeline's was because they have all-you-can-eat steak soft tacos for $9.99!!! So there was a particular draw for our group to hit this place up. The average price of the food here would probably be a little bit less than what you would expect from the Texas Roadhouse, so not too bad. We had two waiters take care of us this time (I'm told Ty was "on the ball" for one side of our table). We also got a few appetizers this time around to start the meal starting with:

The Garlic Cheese Toast 'Basket'. 
There were three of us that got this order and they went fast enough that I was only able to snatch a picture of one of them (which was still partially devoured) before it was all gone! It's a pretty straightforward appetizer, which comes with a marinara dipping sauce. The parmesan cheese gave it a sharp taste which was complemented by the marinara sauce, giving this appetizer an interesting blend of flavors. Danielle mention's a little more about this appetizer in part of her audio review.


The Garlic Butter-topped Rolls.
We are pretty sure that these babies come out with every meal (seeing as none of us ordered rolls). They were hot, easy to pull apart and it had a melting garlic butter spread on top--everything you could hope for in a dinner roll. They were delicious enough to just eat by themselves without any additives (i.e. more butter, jam, honey, etc...).

Dallin also got the Slam Dunk Appetizer to start off with, which I believe he enjoyed.

Allan, Dallin, Anthony, Josh, Kevin, Kira and Marc all got the
All-you-can-eat Tacos

   The tacos are a special that Madeline's has every Tuesday wherein you get a choice of a side as well as a side of steamed vegetables. It comes with soft-shelled steak tacos with a side of sour cream and salsa and includes lettuce and cheese (also on the side) that you can add if you wanted to. To shorten down this part of the blog entry (since so many of us got the tacos), here are the highlights for a few of us:


Allan: The Tacos were pretty good. There were chunks of steak, like cubes almost... [they were] juicy. They were almost like fajitas. They had sour cream and salsa as a side, I personally enjoyed them a lot. What makes them all-you-can-eat is the fact that you can order a couple more when you are done with the two that come out in the first place.


Allan: Anthony, what did you like about the tacos?
Anthony: Well first I had the flour tortillas on my tacos, they were quite delightful. Some of the steak chunks were a little fatty, I almost choked once--true story. French fries were decent. The second round of tacos I got were on corn tortillas, definitely affected the taste--however it was still delightful... just about. At least three stars shorter than the first ones.


Allan: So [about the] tacos, what did you think Josh?
Josh: They were really good. They were all-you-can-eat.
Allan: Definitely what makes an all-you-can-eat taco awesome.
Josh: It had good steak.
Allan: I agree! It had good steak and it almost killed Anthony earlier.
Josh: Why?
Allan: Because he doesn't know how to chew his food.
Josh: Anthony, learn how to chew your food.


Dallin: I didn't care for the tacos that much.
Allan: Why not?
Dallin: Because they were more... fajita-like and I wasn't in the mood for fajitas. There was just steak and grilled peppers--that's it. That's not really a taco to me, that just wasn't what I had in mind. They weren't bad, just not what I was expecting.

Now, on to the rest of the group with:

Boneless Buffalo Wings (Atomic Hot Sauce)

Danielle: Jules, tell us what you had and if you liked it.
Jules: The atomic, sauce-covered chicken strip things. Somewhere in there, there was English. It's not hot or spicy--at all. Kind of just a plain wing-sauce. It's okay though, I like it, I'm just really full so I've had like two. But it's good, it's light eating.

We also had an original founder of the Taco Tuesday group come this evening. Introducing: 
The Southwestern Chicken Salad

Allan: With me this time is Curtis, new to the Taco Tuesday--at least for me, I don't think I've ever met him before. And Curtis, what did you get?
Curtis: Chicken salad.
Allan: How was that for you?
Curtis: It was delicious, I ate it, it was really good; besides the weird taco chips that were in it--they were stale.
Allan: So did you feel like the weird taco chips subtracted, or added to the experience?
Curtis: Definitely detracted.
Allan: Anything else you wanted to add? Anything special that stood out?
Curtis: [The] onion rings were delicious.
Allan: Kevin's onion rings were delicious.

Classic Bacon Cheeseburger

Allan: I'm with Emily here. Emily, what did you get?
Emily: I got the bacon cheeseburger.
Allan: Did it taste good?
Emily: Yeah, [but] I took the bacon right off.
Allan: Why?
Emily: Because I don't like bacon on [cheeseburgers]. But I only got it because the hamburger doesn't come with cheese, so I wanted the cheeseburger.
Allan: Gotcha. Well I guess as far as cheeseburgers go, how was it?
Emily: It was good, I added ranch.

The Portabella Mushroom Burger

Allan: Danielle, what did you get and did you like it?
Danielle: Well for an appetizer we got the cheesy garlic bread--and that's always delicious. It seems to be a crowd favorite because Allan, Julia (aka Jules) and Anthony all ordered a plate. But I got the portabella mushroom burger with fries and thought that the burger was overcooked and that it had too much sauce because they put mayonnaise on the top bun and on the bottom bun, which is a bit too much for me. But I really liked the mushroom itself--it was cooked really well. The tomatoes had really even distribution and I really like the tomatoes and the lettuce, so it had good attributes. I think if the burger just wasn't overcooked it would be really good, but I also don't like my meat cooked that much, I still like it red on the inside.

The Slam Dunk Appetizer (for a meal)

Allan: Miranda, what did you get?
Miranda: Slam Dunk Appetizer.
Allan: What came with it?
Miranda: Potato wedges, hot wings, spinach artichoke dip and [deep fried] mozzarella cheese-sticks.
Allan: Is there anything you liked about it that stood out? Was there something special to it, to where you were like "Oh yeah, I would love to come back and get this again"?
Miranda: No, it was just plain.
Allan: Just filling?
Miranda: Yeah, it was good...

6oz Sirloin (gluten free)

Allan: Ashlee, what did you get today?
Ashley: I got the sirloin six ounce steak with cilantro rice and the spinach artichoke dip.
Allan: Anything that stand out? Anything you like?
Ashlee: I loved the spinach artichoke dip, it's addicting. The steak is pretty good, but it's kind of salty. I love cilantro rice, so that's great.

  There you have it. It seems that while the food was pretty good overall, there were little things here and there that detracted from some of the meals themselves. Things like, weird taco chips in the salad, too much mayonnaise on a burger, or running out of flour tortillas and switching to corn. This is still a place that I could see us visiting again, especially now that we have a better idea of how that $9.99 tacos work. I'm sure Marc would like to give a shout-out to "Ty" as well, he was the waiter that was working that end of the table. But with our overall meal experience this time, we will have to give it a 3 and a half taco rating (out of 5):

And here is the link to Madeline's Steakhouse menu

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Los Cucos Mexican Cafe (Sandy, Utah)

This weeks food journey took our group to Los Cucos Mexican Cafe on State Street and 10600 South in Sandy, Utah. Our group does have a soft spot for Mexican-style food, especially Mexican/American-style food and Los Cucos does not disappoint. We had a server, a woman named Alex, who did an adequate job (nothing to really detract from the overall meal experience) and the food you will now hear about!

Allan: Danielle, what kind of food did you get tonight at Los Cucos?
Danielle: I got the chicken and Spinach Quesadilla and then a side of white rice [that] has a Jack Cheese (I'm guessing)--a white cheese with it, which I really like--instead of using a cheddar cheese. It's on a flour tortilla and they fry that. This time it's a little more greasy than it was last time, which I don't like, but that comes with the territory. Then the white rice was really basic white rice, they mix in cooked corn and carrots--which i really like--and then I just put some salt on it and eat that by itself. But yeah it was really good, I like it a lot.
(-Danielle also forgot to add that: "Also! The Chicken and Spinach Quesdilla has mushrooms! Which is perfect and delish, because I love mushrooms."-)


Danielle: Okay Allan, tell us what you had.
Allan: Well, Danielle, I had the Mixed Burrito today, which was like half and half cheeses. I believe it was pork, or chicken...--Some kind of delicious meat in the middle. I forgot to ask and I didn't look [too closely] at the menu; [basically] it had some meat. One side [of the burrito] had a sharp cheddar cheese, the other side had a jack cheese--the jack cheese side had a Green Verde sauce and the cheddar side had red sauce. It tasted very good, I was a fan of the cheddar side and I dug into a little of the jack cheese/Green chili Verde side--it was pretty good too. I got some [refried] beans with it too, to mix with my rice (I love doing that) and eating it with chips. Definitely a favorite meal I have here. I'm a fan of the contrasts and tastes and I am definitely a cheese fan and it hit all those [food] buttons for me.
(As an addendum, I found the burrito had steak, pork and chicken inside! Quite tastey.)

Colby and Kayrene

Allan: Colby, what was your food called?
Colby: Cheese enchiladas.
Allan: Anything special that came with it? Or what was the setup for it?
Colby: It came with rice, fake lettuce and fake tomatoes (I think).
Allan: Wait, fake?
Colby: I think so; I didn't eat it. Looks more like a decoration (-it was a garnish-). The enchiladas were pretty dry and they did not have much flavor to them. Plus they were corn tortillas, which I'm not a big fan of. Other than that my water helped it go down, so that's how I was able to eat.

Allan: Alright, Kayrene, you had the same thing?
Kayrene: Yes I got the same thing. I didn't eat it all because he (-Colby-) eats way more than I do. But mine actually tasted alright. He said he would like mine better than his, even though it was the same.
Allan:  Now was this a case of, you know, "Everyone else always has it better"? Or...?
Kayrene: I don't know, he just said it looked better and so he just ate half of mine too.
Allan: Now Kayrene, is this something you would take home--like you'd get a box for it and eat it later?
Kayrene: Yeah, I'm gonna.
Allan: But obviously not for Colby--(-looking at Colby-) if you had any left.
Colby: If I had any left there is no way in [censored] I would bring any of this home.


Allan: Okay, with us this time is Ashley, she's usually a normal resident of our Taco Tuesday group, but she hasn't been here in a while. So Ashley, I know you usually have dietary [needs]--you have a gluten allergy, right? So it's always interesting to hear--especially for other people who might have the same dietary needs--to be able to know what would be good to get. What did you get today?
Ashley: (-First part here got garbled-). But the enchilada is very good.
Allan: Was this a meal they had? Or did you have to order something special..?
Ashley: It was a normal platter, but they had corn tortillas--which I can eat because they don't have flour. They also made sure that in the kitchen it was done gluten-free--they seem to be gluten-free friendly, which it awesome. So it ended up being good.
Allan: Alright, is there anything that stood out to you? What did your platter encompass here?
Ashley: It had chicken in green sauce; I really like that they used white cheese (I'm not really sure which one), but I really like when restaurants do that. The rice was really good because it has corn in it and I love when rice has corn in it. I'm not normally a chicken person, but I liked the chicken in this.


Allan: Kevin, what food, or foods did you procure here tonight?
Kevin: FAjita Stalone.
Allan: Okay, what came with it?
Kevin: Chicken and beef with mozzarella cheese on top of it, with some red peppers and green peppers and some beans and rice and tortillas to put in it. It was really good, really filling, I have tons of left-overs to give to "Ghoulia", but she probably won't eat, so I'll eat 'em. But at least I gave it a thought. Yeah, it was good though, better than I thought it would be.
Allan: What kind of expectations do you usually have about Los Cucos and did they meet those expectations?
Kevin: Having this be my third time here, I had pretty good expectations. I would say it's about--not as good as my previous experiences, but still pretty good.
Allan: Is this some place you would probably come again?
Kevin: Yes.


Danielle: What did you get and why did you like it?
Kira: I got the Smothered Chimichanga, it was really good but I wish the chimichanga was more deep-fried, like a chimichanga should be. It was more like a burrito-texture, but the flavor was really great and I got some flour tortillas on the side that were really good, and peppers--so, [a] good night.


Allan: Josh, what kind of food did you get here today?
Josh: It was the burrito--the El Grande.
Allan: The El Grande Burrito, what does that mean? What comes with it?
Josh: It comes with rice and guacamole and tomatoes with beef inside.
Allan: What was your favorite aspect about it?
Josh: The rice. I ate Dallin's rice too.


Danielle: Emily! What did you get for dinner?
Emily: Cheese Enchiladas with green sauce. I didn't like the green sauce, I got the green sauce instead of [the red sauce]. The green sauce kind of gave me heartburn, but I'm really digging the fried ice cream.


Allan:  I am here with Dallin
Dallin: I've been waitin' for you Allan.
Allan: Dallin, what did you get? Describe it--what was good about it?
Dallin: It's called the steak--I can't pronounce it--we'll call it the steak tampenaria (-we found out later it was called the Steak a la Tampiqeuna-).
Allan: What does that include? What comes with it?
Dallin: Oh, everything. It comes with carne asada steak--medium. And then it comes with a chicken enchilada, smothered in green sauce, a cheese enchilada smothered in red sauce, rice, beans and two tortillas.
Allan: Was there anything that stood out? Like "Ooo, this tickles my tastebuds"?
Dallin: I like the grilled onions on the steak and I put them in the tortilla, like a fajita.
Allan:  Anything else that stood out? Anything else you wanted to mention?
Dallin: Oh, I got an appetizer, the big Family Appetizer. It everything on it. It had loaded jalapenos--chicken loaded. Chicken quesadillas, chicken flautas and beef nachos. I like[d] the chicken flautas the most and then the loaded jalapenos were good too.
Allan:  Is this something you would probably get again some time?
Dallin: Yup, this is what I got last time I was here--it's my favorite. Really good.

   So there you have it: Los Cucos has mexican-style food here, but they aren't afraid to experiment with what they have and make interesting menu items. There were couple of problems for some of our group, but it seems that most (if not all) of it was just bad luck this time around. But our opinion of this place was at least high enough to still enable us to come away thinking that we would still love to come back again. On another note, I think that one big indicator for how good the food is, is how well it settles in your stomach after you have finished eating and most of our stomachs were pretty content afterwards. With all thing considered we would have to give Los Cucos Four tacos (out of five) this time around, with the expectation that they can probably get a higher rating next time we come back.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Black Bear Diner (West Jordan Location)

Try counting all the bears you see inside.

   This weeks adventure took us to the Black Bear Diner in the Jordan Landing center. This establishment is known for there (suprise!) diner-esque food, with the twist that their food-style comes from more of a gold-rush era, (i.e. eggs and steak, pot roast, tri-tip steaks, etc..). The quality of the food here is usually very good here, so we usually look forward to eating at a Black Bear Diner. One another note if the the quality of the service affects our food, it will definitely be mentioned. For example, I think this visit was the first time that we weren't provided with any silverware, even after we got some corn muffins to eat while waiting for our food. So we (personally) had to get up and procure our own silverware. But for now, let's worry about the food!

Cinnamon Roll French Toast

Allan: What'd you get?
Danielle: Um, I got the Cinnamon Roll French Toast and it came with over-easy eggs and I got bacon, and we also had corn muffins.
Pictured: A corn muffin
And the corn muffins were really, really, really good--they always are. But you have to have it with the honey butter, because that's delicious.  
The eggs for me are always cooked perfectly, they're not seasoned so anybody who likes their eggs seasoned would not like them, but I prefer them not-seasoned, so I really like them. Their bacon is thick-cut and it's generally like, just really good bacon. And then the Cinnamon French Toast was... it tasted like it was made from stale bread, but other than that it was really good--like the cinnamon part was really good. I mean [the french toast] doesn't come with like, a cream cheese topping or anything like that, so it's just the cinnamon roll part. But it was really sweet and it was really good if it wasn't stale.

Bruce's Meat Lover's Omelette (With a Blueberry Pancake).

Danielle: Alright Allan, tell us you had.
Allan: I had Bruce's Meat Lover's Omelette, the Omelette comes with ham, bacon and sausage chunks with a jack cheese--quite delicious. I had the hash-brown option with it this time around and I am hoping in lieu of a biscuit I got a blueberry pancake (on the check), which was actually quite good it almost like having dessert because it tasted like a cakey, kind of pancake. But, blueberry's are great, with worked out well with that, I can never complain about this--I am a meat lover... that came out wrong! I love the Meat Lover's Omelette because of the variety of--
Josh: Allan really likes the taste.
Allan: Yeah, I really like meat...
Danielle: What did you think of the hash browns?
Allan: I thought the hash browns--they were done well: nice and crispy on the outside, still hot and a little bit crispy on the inside, but not over-cooked, so [they] did them just right.

Slow-Cooked Pot Roast

Allan: Do you want to comment on what you got today?
Kira: Shure, I got the Pot Roast, with a baked potato and onion rings and a muffin and tortilla soup. The muffin is always good, tortilla soup was really good. The pot roast came with a lot more than I expected, but really good. My whole baked potato, was a little under-cooked and [they] didn't bring out enough butter, the rest was really good and it was a lot of food.
Allan: What was good about the Pot Roast part of it?
Kira: Hmmmm, there was a lot of it and the gravy was really good.
Allan: What kind of gravy was it?
Kira: It's a brown gravy and I could have done without the celery with the pot roast--not my favorite.
Allan: I agree with you, celery sucks.

French Toast with Eggs and Bacon

Danielle: Okay Kayrene, tell us what you got and what you thought of it.
Kayrene: I got French Toast and Eggs and Bacon and it was delicious because I love french toast.
Danielle: Same here! Anything noteworthy, or it was just kind of normal?
Kayrene: It was just normal and very filling.

French Dip

Allan (Before the recording starts): What did you get Kevin?
Kevin: (Distinct and very close chewing sounds).
Allan: Interesting, what else about it?
Kevin: Okay, Allan. I got the French Dip with mushroom-Swiss cheese and grilled onions--it was pretty dang good--and cheese fries. The cheese fries were... okay...the cheese wasn't melted enough, but [the] sandwich was really good--very mushroomy, which was good, so yeah.
Allan: Now, you've had a french dip before on one of our excursions, how does that compare to this one?
Kevin: This one's much better, it actually tastes like something I can't get at Arby's.

Bob's Big Bear Burger (with cheese and bacon added to it)

Allan: Josh, what'd you get?
Josh: Burger.
Allan: What kind of burger?
Josh: Big burger. Bob's Big Bear Burger.
Danielle: What was in it?
Josh: Burger.
Allan: So there was a burger in your Bob's Big Bear Burger?
Josh: Yes.
(Kevin: It's Bob's Burgers? Like the TV show?)
Allan: Bob's Burger? Big's Bear Burger?
Josh: Yeah.
Allan: There's a burger in it... Was there bacon in you Bob's Big Bear Burger?
Josh: Yes.
Allan: Anything you wanna add? Was it delicious? Was it disgusting?
Josh: It's good.
Allan: So neither delicious or disgusting--it was good.

The Steak and Egg Special

Danielle: Colby, what'd you have and how did you like it, or not like it?
Colby: I had the steak, eggs, loaded cheese potatoes, biscuit[s] in gravy and then also I topped it off with some Baby Burn sauce, it was pretty good. The steak I probably should have got medium, because I like it a little rare--with the blood squirtin' out. But other than that, overall it was pretty good food, for the price. It was the special of the day.
Danielle: Is it something you would buy again if we came back?
Colby: I would, for $7.99
Danielle: Alright.

And there we have it folks.The Black Bear Diner offers Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner throughout the day, in true diner fashion, to accommodate what meal you feel like having. It has usually been a favorite of our little entourage because they usually know how to put together some good tasting food. The only problem I would say that we would have with the Jordan Landing location is the service has never been very good, especially when compared to it's sister restaurant in Sandy.  Even with the risk of not having good service, the food itself is worth going. So the taco rating for food quality this week will be 4 and a half tacos (out of 5).

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The Shanghai Cafe

145 E 1300 S #145, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
   The Shanghai Cafe is located in a strip mall, but only a short distance away from State Street. Their genre of food includes Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine, with both vegetarian and non-vegetarian options. This time around we had four members of our group attend and Matt will lead the way with his review!!:

The BBQ Noodle Salad with Beef

Allan: Since you finished your food first--tell us, what did you get tonight?
Matt: I got the uh, BBQ Beef Noodle Salad, which is also known as "Bun" in Vietnamese, (and upon seeing my skeptical look says:) it actually is!. And the BBQ Beef Bun, it was really good. This is my first time ever having it and I have flirted with the idea of having it before. It was super light, it wasn't heavy--that's the kind of interesting thing about it. It has a rice noodle, the BBQ Beef is really good, it has a kind of like a fish sauce that you poor over the top of it, which is almost a fish sauce/rice vinegar dressing you put over the noodles. It's very light, but also at the same time filling--it's very good! I liked it a lot, it was my first time having it and I think I'll have it again.

The BBQ Noodle Salad with Pork And the Spring Roll

Allan: I got the same thing as Matt did, except I got BBQ Pork and I have to agree with him, it was very light, the rice noodles: very good. The (looking to Matt), you said it was like a fish and vinegar-type sauce? like a rice vinegar, almost--you just pour it over the top, it helps mix everything together well and I kind of just stirred everything up. I took the sprouts out, not a huge fan of sprouts, too closely textured and taste-wise to celery--not a fan of that, usually. But yeah, it was very light, it had some interesting textures, interesting flavors--I really liked the texture of the rice noodles, it went really well. And the pork, it wasn't absent, but it wasn't non-existent either, there was just enough to complement the actual meal itself.
   (The Spring Roll): Alright, we got a Spring Roll here, it has lettuce, rice, I think some... kind of noodle in it as well... a rice noodle. It comes with shrimp and beef in it--pardon? Flank steak. And I got a portion without shrimp because I am not a fan of the sea food. But the part I did taste was delicious, I think Matt agrees. It came with a peanut sauce you can dip it in and it complemented it very well.

The Pon Pon Chicken or Pork, Vietnamese Eggroll and Egg Drop Soup

Okay, Kevin. You wanna tell us what you got this evening?
Kevin: Um.... I got the Pon Pon Chicken, the Vietnamese Eggroll--I think is what it was--and the Egg Drop Soup. It was all very good, um I really liked the Pon Pon Chicken, I had it with sweet and sour pork, it was very good. The Egg Drop Soup, good--you can't really mess that up. The Vietnamese Eggroll was pretty good, not my favorite eggroll, but still good.

The Beef and Broccoli with White Rice

   I got the Beef and Broccoli with white rice. I think the broccoli is very nice because it's not under, or over-cooked. I do think I have had better beef and Broccoli, but I think for the price it's pretty good overall. 

Some people complain about the service there, but they were polite, prompt and efficient in most areas. Our Appetizers came out faster than we expected--the same goes for our food as well. From the design and decoration of the place, to the over-all ambiance, the place had a very authentic feel to it. We bumped into Michael (a relative of mine) who recommended the BBQ Noodle Salad (to which Matt and I both tried out his recommendation) and he also donated his Spring Roll to us before leaving to catch a plane, which was much appreciated (The Spring Roll, not his departure). I would say with the overall experience at the Shanghai Cafe we would have to give this dinning adventure four and a half tacos (out of five):

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Brick Oven April 1st

 This weeks tasting adventure took us to:

  Brick Oven is a Pasta/Pizza place that was originally founded in Utah. They actually have quite a few locations spread around the whole state, but the one we visited was in Sandy off of 10600 South. We had a fairly large group come this time (10 in total), and most of us got versions of their all-you-can-eat pizza and salad/pasta and salad, etc... Their version all-you-you-can-eat pizza is called "Heaps Sampler," where it almost feels like a multi-course meal because servers bring out mini-slices of pizza for you to try and then move on to the next group of people. Our Server's name was Madi, who was a very cheerful person and who I think did a decent job of taking care of us (considering she was also taking care of a couple of other large parties as well). But, food time!!!!:

First off we have: Dallin and Emily

The Feast Sampler: 

Josh got the all-you-can-eat pasta and Kira got the "Heaps Sampler"

The all-you-can-eat-pasta:
Allan: Josh, what did you get?
Josh: I got the all-you-can-eat pasta
Allan: What kind of pasta did you get?
Josh: Alfredo, just alfredo
Allan: Anything you wanted to share that stood out?
Josh: It was good, it was really tasty.

The Heaps Sampler:
It was pretty good and I am stuffed.

Next up is Kayrene
The Chicken Pesto Pene:
 It was good, just very, very filling. It was just like any normal chicken pene pasta.

The Italian Calzone:
   It was very flavorable. The food was good, it had a variety of peppers and sauces to go with it and it was easily eatable with a fork--although I did use my hand for the last bit.

                              Jules and Kevin (respectively)
The Heaps Sampler:
It includes pizza and soup and salad and dessert pizza, all wrapped up in one little bow--thing. The pizza is always good, I eat so much that by the time we get to the second round of pizzas I'm really, really full. But I think "Oh, I'll have more," because they bring out delicious cookie pizzas and amazing Cherry Cobbler pizza. I'm really picky about my pizza, so I like just traditional pepperoni, but they do make really interesting flavors. The one that was kind of weird was the Philly Cheese Steak one--that one was strange--the cheese they use was kind of weird, I think because they use a provolone cheese. That one was just like... I don't know how I feel about that one, it was a weird one.  But The Cherry Cobbler dessert pizza was amazing--so good! I would recommend it highly.

The all-you-can-eat pasta:
  I got bland pasta... and good meatballs. They need to make better food because it all tasted kind of bland to me. All except for the meatballs, they tasted kind of like Chef Boyardee meatballs, so it's probably mystery meat.
The Ricotta Cheese Ravioli:
   It was really ordinary, just kind of normal ravioli--probably something I would not get again, but still good. Just kind of average. It was just a ricotta cheese on the inside, so it was kind of a grainy texture, the sauce was kind of grainy as well, but that was probably because of the ricotta cheese they put on top of it. Sauce was really normal, it was chunk which was good, but it was still a normal tasting marinara sauce. There were not really any spices that made it stand out.


The BBQ Chicken & Pineapple Pizza:
   This pizza was on their "gourmet pizzas" list in the menu and caught my eye fairly early one when scanning through the menu and one that our server--Madi--recommended it to me as well.
    As with most BBQ-style pizzas the BBQ took the place of the marinara sauce. It came with a classic mozzarella cheese with pieces of chicken and pineapple mixed into it. I got the Medium-sized one (8 slices) and managed to eat about half. As far as taste goes... it was decent, but as a fan of BBQ'd anything, I can say that I've had better BBQ-themed food.

The "Sasquatch":

At the end of everything Danielle and I both shared something off a secret dessert menu called the Sasquatch, which consists of a layering of a cookie, a brownie, another cookie and then ice cream with whipped cream on top. Our server recommended this to us and in theory it sounded amazing. But once again there was nothing really spectacular about it other than a lot of sugar.

So, overall it was not the most stand-out, unique tasting place. They had some good deals on food, most everything was baked fresh before being served. But not really a place that would make your taste buds tingle in anticipation. Overall with the quality of food we would have to give it a rating of two tacos: