Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Brick Oven April 1st

 This weeks tasting adventure took us to:

  Brick Oven is a Pasta/Pizza place that was originally founded in Utah. They actually have quite a few locations spread around the whole state, but the one we visited was in Sandy off of 10600 South. We had a fairly large group come this time (10 in total), and most of us got versions of their all-you-can-eat pizza and salad/pasta and salad, etc... Their version all-you-you-can-eat pizza is called "Heaps Sampler," where it almost feels like a multi-course meal because servers bring out mini-slices of pizza for you to try and then move on to the next group of people. Our Server's name was Madi, who was a very cheerful person and who I think did a decent job of taking care of us (considering she was also taking care of a couple of other large parties as well). But, food time!!!!:

First off we have: Dallin and Emily

The Feast Sampler: 

Josh got the all-you-can-eat pasta and Kira got the "Heaps Sampler"

The all-you-can-eat-pasta:
Allan: Josh, what did you get?
Josh: I got the all-you-can-eat pasta
Allan: What kind of pasta did you get?
Josh: Alfredo, just alfredo
Allan: Anything you wanted to share that stood out?
Josh: It was good, it was really tasty.

The Heaps Sampler:
It was pretty good and I am stuffed.

Next up is Kayrene
The Chicken Pesto Pene:
 It was good, just very, very filling. It was just like any normal chicken pene pasta.

The Italian Calzone:
   It was very flavorable. The food was good, it had a variety of peppers and sauces to go with it and it was easily eatable with a fork--although I did use my hand for the last bit.

                              Jules and Kevin (respectively)
The Heaps Sampler:
It includes pizza and soup and salad and dessert pizza, all wrapped up in one little bow--thing. The pizza is always good, I eat so much that by the time we get to the second round of pizzas I'm really, really full. But I think "Oh, I'll have more," because they bring out delicious cookie pizzas and amazing Cherry Cobbler pizza. I'm really picky about my pizza, so I like just traditional pepperoni, but they do make really interesting flavors. The one that was kind of weird was the Philly Cheese Steak one--that one was strange--the cheese they use was kind of weird, I think because they use a provolone cheese. That one was just like... I don't know how I feel about that one, it was a weird one.  But The Cherry Cobbler dessert pizza was amazing--so good! I would recommend it highly.

The all-you-can-eat pasta:
  I got bland pasta... and good meatballs. They need to make better food because it all tasted kind of bland to me. All except for the meatballs, they tasted kind of like Chef Boyardee meatballs, so it's probably mystery meat.
The Ricotta Cheese Ravioli:
   It was really ordinary, just kind of normal ravioli--probably something I would not get again, but still good. Just kind of average. It was just a ricotta cheese on the inside, so it was kind of a grainy texture, the sauce was kind of grainy as well, but that was probably because of the ricotta cheese they put on top of it. Sauce was really normal, it was chunk which was good, but it was still a normal tasting marinara sauce. There were not really any spices that made it stand out.


The BBQ Chicken & Pineapple Pizza:
   This pizza was on their "gourmet pizzas" list in the menu and caught my eye fairly early one when scanning through the menu and one that our server--Madi--recommended it to me as well.
    As with most BBQ-style pizzas the BBQ took the place of the marinara sauce. It came with a classic mozzarella cheese with pieces of chicken and pineapple mixed into it. I got the Medium-sized one (8 slices) and managed to eat about half. As far as taste goes... it was decent, but as a fan of BBQ'd anything, I can say that I've had better BBQ-themed food.

The "Sasquatch":

At the end of everything Danielle and I both shared something off a secret dessert menu called the Sasquatch, which consists of a layering of a cookie, a brownie, another cookie and then ice cream with whipped cream on top. Our server recommended this to us and in theory it sounded amazing. But once again there was nothing really spectacular about it other than a lot of sugar.

So, overall it was not the most stand-out, unique tasting place. They had some good deals on food, most everything was baked fresh before being served. But not really a place that would make your taste buds tingle in anticipation. Overall with the quality of food we would have to give it a rating of two tacos:

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