Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Black Bear Diner (West Jordan Location)

Try counting all the bears you see inside.

   This weeks adventure took us to the Black Bear Diner in the Jordan Landing center. This establishment is known for there (suprise!) diner-esque food, with the twist that their food-style comes from more of a gold-rush era, (i.e. eggs and steak, pot roast, tri-tip steaks, etc..). The quality of the food here is usually very good here, so we usually look forward to eating at a Black Bear Diner. One another note if the the quality of the service affects our food, it will definitely be mentioned. For example, I think this visit was the first time that we weren't provided with any silverware, even after we got some corn muffins to eat while waiting for our food. So we (personally) had to get up and procure our own silverware. But for now, let's worry about the food!

Cinnamon Roll French Toast

Allan: What'd you get?
Danielle: Um, I got the Cinnamon Roll French Toast and it came with over-easy eggs and I got bacon, and we also had corn muffins.
Pictured: A corn muffin
And the corn muffins were really, really, really good--they always are. But you have to have it with the honey butter, because that's delicious.  
The eggs for me are always cooked perfectly, they're not seasoned so anybody who likes their eggs seasoned would not like them, but I prefer them not-seasoned, so I really like them. Their bacon is thick-cut and it's generally like, just really good bacon. And then the Cinnamon French Toast was... it tasted like it was made from stale bread, but other than that it was really good--like the cinnamon part was really good. I mean [the french toast] doesn't come with like, a cream cheese topping or anything like that, so it's just the cinnamon roll part. But it was really sweet and it was really good if it wasn't stale.

Bruce's Meat Lover's Omelette (With a Blueberry Pancake).

Danielle: Alright Allan, tell us you had.
Allan: I had Bruce's Meat Lover's Omelette, the Omelette comes with ham, bacon and sausage chunks with a jack cheese--quite delicious. I had the hash-brown option with it this time around and I am hoping in lieu of a biscuit I got a blueberry pancake (on the check), which was actually quite good it almost like having dessert because it tasted like a cakey, kind of pancake. But, blueberry's are great, with worked out well with that, I can never complain about this--I am a meat lover... that came out wrong! I love the Meat Lover's Omelette because of the variety of--
Josh: Allan really likes the taste.
Allan: Yeah, I really like meat...
Danielle: What did you think of the hash browns?
Allan: I thought the hash browns--they were done well: nice and crispy on the outside, still hot and a little bit crispy on the inside, but not over-cooked, so [they] did them just right.

Slow-Cooked Pot Roast

Allan: Do you want to comment on what you got today?
Kira: Shure, I got the Pot Roast, with a baked potato and onion rings and a muffin and tortilla soup. The muffin is always good, tortilla soup was really good. The pot roast came with a lot more than I expected, but really good. My whole baked potato, was a little under-cooked and [they] didn't bring out enough butter, the rest was really good and it was a lot of food.
Allan: What was good about the Pot Roast part of it?
Kira: Hmmmm, there was a lot of it and the gravy was really good.
Allan: What kind of gravy was it?
Kira: It's a brown gravy and I could have done without the celery with the pot roast--not my favorite.
Allan: I agree with you, celery sucks.

French Toast with Eggs and Bacon

Danielle: Okay Kayrene, tell us what you got and what you thought of it.
Kayrene: I got French Toast and Eggs and Bacon and it was delicious because I love french toast.
Danielle: Same here! Anything noteworthy, or it was just kind of normal?
Kayrene: It was just normal and very filling.

French Dip

Allan (Before the recording starts): What did you get Kevin?
Kevin: (Distinct and very close chewing sounds).
Allan: Interesting, what else about it?
Kevin: Okay, Allan. I got the French Dip with mushroom-Swiss cheese and grilled onions--it was pretty dang good--and cheese fries. The cheese fries were... okay...the cheese wasn't melted enough, but [the] sandwich was really good--very mushroomy, which was good, so yeah.
Allan: Now, you've had a french dip before on one of our excursions, how does that compare to this one?
Kevin: This one's much better, it actually tastes like something I can't get at Arby's.

Bob's Big Bear Burger (with cheese and bacon added to it)

Allan: Josh, what'd you get?
Josh: Burger.
Allan: What kind of burger?
Josh: Big burger. Bob's Big Bear Burger.
Danielle: What was in it?
Josh: Burger.
Allan: So there was a burger in your Bob's Big Bear Burger?
Josh: Yes.
(Kevin: It's Bob's Burgers? Like the TV show?)
Allan: Bob's Burger? Big's Bear Burger?
Josh: Yeah.
Allan: There's a burger in it... Was there bacon in you Bob's Big Bear Burger?
Josh: Yes.
Allan: Anything you wanna add? Was it delicious? Was it disgusting?
Josh: It's good.
Allan: So neither delicious or disgusting--it was good.

The Steak and Egg Special

Danielle: Colby, what'd you have and how did you like it, or not like it?
Colby: I had the steak, eggs, loaded cheese potatoes, biscuit[s] in gravy and then also I topped it off with some Baby Burn sauce, it was pretty good. The steak I probably should have got medium, because I like it a little rare--with the blood squirtin' out. But other than that, overall it was pretty good food, for the price. It was the special of the day.
Danielle: Is it something you would buy again if we came back?
Colby: I would, for $7.99
Danielle: Alright.

And there we have it folks.The Black Bear Diner offers Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner throughout the day, in true diner fashion, to accommodate what meal you feel like having. It has usually been a favorite of our little entourage because they usually know how to put together some good tasting food. The only problem I would say that we would have with the Jordan Landing location is the service has never been very good, especially when compared to it's sister restaurant in Sandy.  Even with the risk of not having good service, the food itself is worth going. So the taco rating for food quality this week will be 4 and a half tacos (out of 5).

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