Thursday, October 2, 2014

Goodwood BBQ Company (3.5 out of 5 Tacos)

   We try and take a different approach to rating food here at Taco Tuesday Reviews; instead of the whole experience (lighting, mood, service, ambiance), we try and make a judgement on just the quality of the food we consume! 
   If the service was poor enough to affect the food, then it is usually mentioned. Another twist is that to get a better overall feel of how good a restaurant is, we all rate and talk about what we got, so you have a broader spectrum to choose from when deciding what you want to eat.

   This weeks adventure took us to Goodwood, (Yes, yes, yes make the puns and the innuendo about this place) say what you will of their (probably poorly chosen) name, they make some good barbecue. There were seven of us that set out to find some good food this time, let's take a gander at what we all had to say:


Allan: So this is Taco Tuesday Reviews. I'm here with Colby--Colby what did you get tonight?
Colby: I got the [Prime Rib Philly Sandwich], it's really good, here at Goodwood, It's very good. There's a sauce that comes with it, it's not very good to put on it, but other than that it's just plain. I put some of this [sweet and sassy] sauce on it, it's decent on it, but I like it just plain. It has lots of cheese on it and it's almost like Tony's Cheesesteaks.

Allan: What kind of rating would you give your food tonight man?
Colby: I'll give it, probably 3 and a half out of 5.

Matt Baugh

Allan: Okay, I'm here with Matt Baugh--Taco Tuesday Reviews--Matt, what did you get here today?
Matt: Today I got the two-meat plate with the Brisket--which I've already finished, and the St, Louis Baby Back Spare Ribs.The brisket is delicious. I was really, really excited to tear into these ribs, they look really great. The smoking on them looks good and they look really meaty and hardy, which is the way I like my ribs.  

Allan: They do.
Matt: I also got the Mac n Cheese--which I was a little bit disappointed [with].

Allan: Why's that?
Matt: The cheese is a little bit runny--honestly it was like KFC mac n cheese. So it's not that great. Steak fries of course, I mean what else is there to review? But something that I love about Goodwood, is the consistency with their barbecue; some places are a little bit tougher. But my biggest issue with them is their price--they're a little bit more expensive. 

Allan: Alright, what would you rate your meal experience?
Matt: I'm gonna give it 4 tacos out of 5. 


Allan: Kevin! How are you doin'?
Kevin: Oh, hello!

Allan: What did you get here tonight man?
Kevin: I got Loaded Smashed Potatoes and some Mac n Cheese, which the Mac n Cheese is gone. 

Allan: Okay, how was it?
Kevin: The Mac n Cheese was pretty good, the potatoes were just... oceaned in butter, which is good, unless I want to live a long time, which, yeah I don't.

Allan: Anything that stood out man?
Kevin: Nah, it was just a side, it wasn't an actual meal.

Allan: Alright, how would you rate your eating experience here then?
Kevin:  I would rate it about 4 out of 5 tacos. I like the atmosphere, it's not La Luna, but it's still pretty good. 


Allan: So Julia, what did you get here tonight?
Julia: I got the 1/3 rack of the St. Louis Ribs. And Kevin's Mac n Cheese side with some Fries. 
Allan: Okay, how was everything?
Julia: The Ribs were good... The Mac n Cheese leave something to be desired.

Allan: Was there anything else that stood out?
Julia: The sauce was good, their barbecue sauce is good. I tried this Sweet n Sassy. 
Allan: Overall how would you rate it then?
Julia: I'm gonna give it 3 tacos. 


Jolene: So, I'm a vegetarian, so I did not have any meat. But I did appreciate that they had several  salad options. So I just got a side salad, they said that all of their dressings are homemade--I got the honey mustard, which was very good. I got Macaroni for my side, I was expecting like southern style, baked mac n cheese, it was not that. And then I also got the Sweet Potato Fries, they're kind of soggy, they're not very crunchy and also they have sugar on them instead of salt, so I wasn't expecting that. But I did love their sauces; I did love the Sweet n Sassy, it was really smokey and I liked that a lot
Kevin: Awesome. what rating would you give this place? Be honest.
Jolene: 1 taco.


Kevin: This is Allan's interview.. (bum bum BUH!). Allan, what'd you have this fine evening?
Allan: I got the two meat platter, I got them both Brisket. One of the sides was Steak Fries, and the other one was this Sweet Smashed Potatoes with Pecans. 

Kevin: How was it?
Allan: It was fantastic. The brisket was cooked amazingly, it was tender, delicious. The sweet mashed potatoes were a great complement to it. It was almost like having dessert. And like what Matt said before [about the] Steak Fries: you can't go wrong with [them]. Their signature barbecue sauce is great. 

Kevin: What rating would you give this place? 
Allan: I would give this place 4 and a half tacos. 
Kevin: There you have it: Allan's interview. 

   So some of the collective agreements that we had about Goodwood was their amazing barbecue sauce, the "Sweet n Sassy." The St. Louis Ribs and the Brisket also received high praise as well. As far as sides go (and choosing the right sides with your meal sometimes make or break the experience), some of the best seemed to be the Smashed Potatoes, both the Sweet and the Loaded ones. And Steak Fries are almost a staple food when it comes to good barbecue.
   If you decide to go to Goodwood, then this time around for our reviews I would look at the ones given by Allan and Matt Baugh (since they gave such high marks). But even if you decided to go and get something that we didn't try, be sure to get something you can use their Sweet and Sassy sauce with, because it is the bomb-digggity. This time the overall review (taken and rounded to the nearest half or whole) is 3.5 out of 5 tacos.

Also, be sure to check out this awesome podcast done by Matt Baugh. It's a bunch of Music junkies weighing in on the music of yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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