Wednesday, June 11, 2014

The Pie Pizzeria (South Jordan)


   The Pie Pizzeria has been a place that some of our group have been itching to go to for a while, but it was continually outvoted for other places--until now! There are a few different locations around Utah, so we decided upon the South Jordan location. 
   For those of you that have not eaten at a The Pie Pizzeria establishment before, let me tell you a few things about it: 
   Firstly: There is no table service (kind of like a Carls Jr.)
   The second thing: You walk in the door and make your order, so if you don't want to be one of those people that takes a TON of time figuring out your food order and holding up the line, then step to the side and look at the menu, or take a look at it online. 
   And C: You give them a name for your food and when it is ready they call your name over their P.A. system. 
   Most of us have had The Pie before (one way or another), but this is the first time we have gotten together to share our experiences with each other and with you!

Allan: Kevin, what did you get tonight?
Kevin: I got a fourteen inch, half pineapple, half pepperoni pizza. I only ate the pineapple though, because the pepperoni is for Julia. 
Allan: You are so kind Kevin, what did you think about your pizza pie?
Kevin: My pizza was really good, I love pineapples on pizza. You know it's not... Little Caesars so the price was "a little bit ridiculous." So I'm only gonna give it like, half a star maybe....
Allan: And how many tacos would you give it?
Kevin: 5 tacos. 

Danielle with:

Kevin: Danielle, what did you think of the cheese bread? 
Danielle: The cheese bread was really good as far as cheese is concerned, but I thought it had too much [spice] on top, so I couldn't eat it without marinara sauce and the marinara sauce was delicious. 
Kevin: What rating would you give it?
Danielle: 3
Kevin: What?
Danielle: Because it was average. 
Kevin: 3 stars?
Danielle: Tacos.
Kevin: Thank you!

And Danielle with:
Kevin: Danielle, what did you get?
Danielle: Hi! I got... It's called Cookies and Cream Half---
Kevin: What'd you think about it?
Danielle: Okay, well it was really good! I liked it a lot because the cookie is literally half-baked, so--
Kevin: That's great! So what would you give it a rating?!
Danielle: --then they put ice cream on top of it and stuff that was whipped cream and topped it with caramel sauce. And I would rate it aaaaaaat--
Kevin: Wait, what would you rate it?
Danielle: --4 and a half tacos.
Kevin: Awesome, that's almost half a star.

Ashlee                                                                         Curtis

Allan: With me is Ashlee and Curtis they both got gluten-free items. What'd you guys get?

Ashlee: We got the Chicken Bacon Ranch gluten-free pizza and bread sticks.
Allan: And you shared with Curtis, right?
Ashlee: I shared the pizza with Curtis.
Allan: But not the bread sticks?
Ashlee: No, he's not allowed.
Allan: So what did you guys think of the pizza?
Curtis: I thought it was pretty good, I don't really--I'm not familiar with gluten-free things, but I liked it, it was still good. It was made with rice flour and I love rice flour, so it was pretty good--I liked it. The whole thing was nice.
Ashlee: It was delicious. The Pie is like the best place to come for gluten-free pizza. 
Allan:  So what kind of ratings would you guys give it? 
Ashlee: I give it 5 tacos.
Curtis: You know, I was surprised with the gluten[-free], so I'm gonna give it 4 and a half tacos.


Curtis: Alright, I am here with Allan: and Allan, what did you get today?
Allan: I got the meat--meat lovers pizza? Meat? I don't know... It's very good.
Curtis: It was the meat lovers pizza--No it was not the Vegan pizza Kevin, come on pay attention--So sometimes meat lovers pizza do over--kind of go overboard with all the meat. Do you feel like this pizza was too meaty? Or was it just right?
Allan: I feel like there were too many chunks of sausage on it. Like there could have been fewer bits of sausage. The cheese was fantastic, I feel  like the crust could have been better. But overall the pizza was pretty good. It's a heavy meal--definitely. I'd probably give it 4 tacos.

   At The Pie they have a variety of sizes to get your pizza in, I found that getting the fourteen inch pizza and fountain beverages and maybe even a dessert will cost you about the same it would for a couples night out at a sit-down restaurant. Speaking of sit-down, the South Jordan location has two-stories of open seating, so after you order your food up at the front, you can just find an open table and wait for your food. During the summer they also have an outdoor, screened section to enjoy the nice weather outside whilst you eat your pizza pie. We chose to eat inside and our overall rating for The Pie Pizzeria is 4 and a half tacos:

Overall Score:

(Side Note: And for those of you just reading the transcripts of the reviews, thank you. But if you like bonus features, listen to the audio tracks that go along with it. I usually streamline the transcript to make it easy to read and thus omit some of the extra dialogue that goes along with some of these reviews. And it might just be our opinion, but I feel like we say some funny stuff at times.)

(Side, Side Note: We are always up for ideas on where to go to eat. If you heard of a place and wanted to know what they were like, try sending us there! Just post any ideas you have in the comment section of the blog, or on the link to Facebook.)

A Menu for The Pie Pizzeria can be found HERE

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