Thursday, August 7, 2014

"India House: Authentic Indian Cuisine" (Sandy)

   This week we have two members of our group who could be considered "foodies" (aka: someone who eats a wide variety of food and usually has good taste): Matt and Jolene. In fact it was these two (and Curtis) that pushed the vote in favor of India House, and boy-oh-boy, it was a great choice! They have a flat bread that is called "Naan" and it goes really well with any of the curries here.

   Now, it can be hard to try something new, let alone something new and foreign, and for a few of us this was definitely the case. Because when I think foreign, my mind goes to the extremes, like: barbecued dog, blood pie, boiled chicken feet. And even Indian food (the "from India," kind) can sometimes take on the look of mud, or the even-more-popular-look-that-your-food-should-never-resemble: baby poop (in several colors). But let me tell you, do not judge a book by it's cover. In fact, I won't just tell you, I'll let this weeks reviews do it for me! Take a look: 


Allan: Curtis is here today. Curtis, what did you get to eat tonight?
Curtis: I got the Rogan Josh with a side of Garlic Naan.

Allan: What is Rogan Josh? It sounds like you're eating a person.
Curtis: Well no, it's not Seth Rogen's half-brother, but it is actually a Lamb Curry dish. But they also threw a little coconut in there, which I actually thought it was really good.

Allan: Cool, what was your meal experience like? Was there anything that stood out? Tell us what your impressions were. 
Curtis: I love the Naan. I'm a big fan of Naan, and every time I come I love it., can't get enough of it. One thing that really stood out was that the lamb was really good--it wasn't gamy, it wasn't tough, it was really easy to chew and it was really, really good.

Allan: I was going ot say that with lamb it usually is gamy or chewie, but awesome.

Curtis: Yeah it was really good. I think that was the highlight: it was the lamb. The lamb that they used was really good. And overall I think I'd give it 4 and a half tacos.


Curtis: (Taco Tuesday a capella  intro music) Alright, this it Taco Tuesday Reviews, I'm Curtis and I'm here with Jolene. Jolene, what'd you get tonight?
Jolene: I got the Peshwari Naan--which is a sweet Naan. It has cashews golden raisins, honey, coconut, cinnamon, [and] a little sugar. And some would call it "savory," I enjoy it mixed with my curry, which is the vegetable Masala. I love tomato sauce of all kinds so this is my favorite to get, and I get it "hot"--which could have been a little hotter--but I understand they're trying to be safe.  

Curtis: Alright, so "could have been a little hotter," but besides that, was there anything else that really stood out to you? 
Jolene: I loved it, I love Indian food, and this is great. I love this place.

Curtis: Alright, and what would you give for India House this fine evening? 
Jolene: Gonna go 4 and a half tacos.
Curtis: 4 and a half tacos from Jolene, thank you. 

Matt Baugh

Curtis: (Sexy a capella sax intro music) Alright, welcome to Taco Tuesday Reviews, I'm Curtis and I'm here with Matt. Matt how are you tonight? What'd you get? 

Matt: Well, thanks Curtis for that lovely intro I feel really appreciated and I'm glad to be here tonight. Tonight I had the Chicken Coconut Korma, which is a coconut based curry dish. It's sweeter than most Indian Curries--it's sweet because it comes with golden raisins and all that lovely stuff. I got it with the Garlic Naan because it's pretty much a staple if you ask me. And I also tried the sweet Naan that Jolene previously told me about because she said it was delicious, and some would even say... savory. And it went over well with the rice and the Chicken and Coconut Korma. Anyway that's it for me, I'm gonna have to give this place a 4 and a half tacos out of 5 tacos. 

Curtis: Alright thank you very much Matt. You heard it folks two times in a row already: savory. Some might even say: sweet and savory. 


Curtis: Hi, I'm Curtis from Taco Tuesday Reviews. You may remember me from such reviews as "Porcupine Grill," and "Tio's Restaurant." I'm joined today by one of my dear friends: Allan. How are you today?
Allan: Good. I'm a little disappointed I didn't get any intro music with mine, but I'll live. 

Curtis: Well the jokes on you, because in the middle of review (BWAAaw!) Breaking news! Allan! What'd you get to eat?!
Allan: Well, this evening I got the Chicken Curry, also a Buttery Naan--apparently it's a flat bread they have here in India [House].  
Curtis: Alright, Allan. Naan and Curry: how was it?

Allan: It was delicious--first time I'm actually having authentic-style Indian food tonight. I mixed in some rice with the Curry, most people did that at the table [from] what I saw, so I'm just kind of going along with the same thing too. But I put it in the flat bread and ate it like a taco, and it was delicious. I thought it was going to be spicier than it was, but it was hardly spicy at all--even for a "medium." 

Curtis: Alright Allan, thank you so much--back to you Curtis ("Watcha bow yeeow"). So Allan, what do you give this out of 5 tacos?
Allan: I would have to give this place--especially for being my first time having Indian food--4 and a half tacos. 


Curtis: (Funky a capella guitar intro) Taco Tuesday Reviews with Curtis.... Hi everybody, this is Curtis for Taco Tuesday reviews and I'm joined here by Kevin. Kevin what'd you get tonight?

Kevin: I got the Saag Paneer and the Paneer Naan. You know, it was Indian food. Don't tell Matt, but Indian food's not my favorite. But you know, this is actually pretty good, I'd give it a 3 tacos I think.
Curtis: Thank you so much Kevin.


Curtis: Breaking Taco Tuesday Review news with Curtis going to the live news room with Julia. Julia, sorry for no intro music, breaking news happens fast--I gotta report it as I see it. How are you tonight, and what'd you get?

Julia: I'm doing wonderful, and I got the much-anticipated Chicken Curry as per well meaning help from everybody so I could pick something delicious--and it was! It was really good! I got it at a medium heat, so it was nice an flavorable--it wasn't too hot. And I tried some of the sweet flat bread-stuff (*editors note: it was the Peshwari Naan*). It was good.
Curtis: Alright you hear it. It was good and she liked everything and she does have to rate it. Hold on, let's go back to her. Julia, what would you rate it?
Julia: I'd give it 4 tacos.
Curtis: You heard it from Julia: 4 tacos.

   And there we go folks. It seems that the pickin's are good at India House. The most common thing that we did was mix our curries with the rice and ate it with the various Naan (basically a flat bread) that we all ordered. If you want a savory meal, try getting the Peshwari Naan (a sweet Naan) and eating it with just about any other curry, If you want to start light try a Chicken Curry with a Buttery Naan. Basically when you order your food make sure to include Naan with it. I am unsure if rice automatically came with the meals or not, be sure to ask when you go, and go you should, because India House is an amazing place to expand your taste palate. And this weeks combined reviews gives India House a 4 out of 5 taco rating

If you wanted to take a sneak peak at what India House has to offer, look at there menu here.

You can find India House at: 

8660 South State Street, 
Sandy UT 84070

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