Wednesday, August 27, 2014

La Luna - Jordan Landing (3.5 out of 5)

In the heart of Jordan Landing exists a quint little place called La Luna. Within you will find nothing that particularly stands out in terms of amazing, or original tastes. But the the food that they do offer is what you would come to expect of a mexican restaurant. It's a favorite place for about half of our group and and okay/disliked place for the rest. 
   They have a large portions of their menu dedicated to basically making your own burrito platter, which is nice. And La Luna also offers American-style food (i.e. hamburgers, steaks, etc...), which why they would offer something like that when sharing a location with Iggy's, 'Bout Time and Black Bear is beyond my understanding. So, with this in mind, let us delve into the minds of our reviewers today:


Allan: ("Saxophone" intro music) I'm here I'm here with Curtis for Taco Tuesday Reviews. Curtis, what type of food did you get this evening?
Curtis: I got two smothered cheese and bean burritos with rice and beans on the side--it was really good. 

Allan: Alright, it looks pretty simple and plain, but was there anything that stood out to you? 
Curtis: The tortillas were freshly made, at least they tasted like they were pretty fresh, so I really like that, and that't about it.

Allan: Okay, what kind of rating would you give your meal?
Curtis: I would give it 4 out of 5 tacos.
Allan: 4 out of 5 tacos. (Saxophone outro music)


Curtis: (Mexican-American cat call) We're here with Allan for Taco Tuesday Reviews. Allan what did you get?
Allan: I got the same thing as Curtis, it was two smothered bean and cheese burritos. 

(Dallin: He should have said: See Curtis' interview.)

Curtis: Allan, how did you feel about the meal? Anything stood out to you?
Allan: I really like the Chile Verde sauce, it actually came with chunks of [pork] with it, so it's like having [pork] added to it without actually having [pork] added. It was good!
Curtis: Alright and what would you rate your meal tonight?
Allan: I would have to give it 4 tacos. 


(-Editors note: This review is a little tongue-in-cheek, bear that in mind-)

Curtis: (Intro music for Kevin) I'm here with Kevin. Kevin, what did you get tonight? 
Kevin: I got the 3 smothered bean and cheese burritos.
Curtis: Yeah? And how were they?
Kevin: Well, you know they're not porcupine grill... But they're still decent I guess...

Curtis: --And was the price okay? 
Kevin: Well the price is a little bit much for what I got, I could probably get the same thing at Porcupine Grill--only it would taste better and probably be about half the price.

Curtis: Anything special stick out to you about this meal, and what would you rate it?
Kevin: Something special? It cost me 85 cents for some sour cream, that's a bit of a rip'. And it was a mountain of burritos--which was cool I guess. I only ate one of them because I had some donuts prior to coming here.

Curtis: And what would you rate this meal?
Kevin: Well, since it wasn't Porcupine Grill and it wasn't as cheep as Porcupine Grill, I'd probably have to only give it one and a half tacos. Just kidding! I'll give it 3 and a half tacos. 
Curtis: Thank you Kevin.

"Danger "Dallin 

Allan: (Danger Dallin Intro Music) "Danger" Dallin here today for Taco Tuesday Reviews--what did you get today?
Dallin: I got the 3 chicken chile verde enchiladas smothered with cheese and onions.

Allan: That's quite a mouthful--no pun intended--how did everything taste?
Dallin: It was really good, it was like a mountain on my plate of cheese, tortillas, and onions, and chicken, and sauce, and verde--which is just green if you don't add in Chile Verde. But it was very good, I was surprised, I usually get the chimichanga but I stepped outside my box today and tried something different and I liked it--it was good.

Allan: Nice, now--it looks like you sprinkled chips over part of it, how did that taste?
Dallin: It adds texture to it, and it's good. I like to crush up some chips on top of my food. 

Allan: You know, sometimes I've actually done crushed chips inside of cheese quesadillas before, it's an interesting texture change. 
Dallin: I would agree.
Allan: So how would you rate you "mountatin of food" today?
Dallin: I'm gonna give it 4 out of 5 tacos. 


Kevin: Hola, what did you have today?
Marcos: I had 2 tamales and cheese.

Kevin: How was it?
Marcos: It was alright, it was not the best. But you know I had rice on it--with it, and it was amazing--I liked it. 

Kevin: What rating would you give it?
Marcos: I would give it maybe like... I don't know, like 3 and a half stars, or tacos, or whatever we do here. 
Kevin: Okay!


Allan: (Short intro music for Emily) Okay, Emily is here with me. Emily what did you get tonight?
Emily: Yes hello Allan.

Allan: Hello Emily, what did you get tonight?
Emily: Two chicken burritos with beans inside, and sour cream on top, and rice and beans on the side. 
Allan: Alright, cool. Anything that stood out? How was it?

Emily: It was interesting, it's not what I expected. But I did get fried ice cream, that was interesting too. 
Allan: Alright the unexpected part, was that a good unexpected? 
Emily: It was okay. 
Allan: It was an "okay" unexpected. Then I guess with everything you got tonight, how would you rate your meal?

Emily: I would give it 3 Asian Stars. 
Allan: Or......?
Emily: 3 Asian Tacos.


Allan: (Short intro music for Colby) Colby! What did you get this evening at La Luna?
Colby: At La Luna here at Jordan Landing, it was very, very good. One of my favorite mexican places.

Allan: "Meican places," okay cool. What'd you get tonight? 
Colby: I got the bean and cheese burrito, smothered in cheese with onions also.

Allan: Okay, how'd everything taste?
Colby: It was very good. I like to dip my chips in my sauce--the chile verde sauce and that makes it very good. 

Allan: How would you rate your meal tonight?
Colby: I'm giving it a [4 and a half tacos rating].


Colby: Kayrene Palmer, how was your dinner?

Kayrene: It was good.

Colby: What did you eat?
Kayrene: Bean and cheese burrito.

Colby: And what did you like about it and dislike?
Kayrene: It was a little dry, but it was very filling.

Colby: Okay, great. And how many tacos would you give it out of 5? 
Kayrene: 3
Colby: 3 out of 5 tacos, there we go. 

Lots of burritos this time! Not a real big surprise considering that they have a ton of burrito options to choose from. It seems that the main draw with La Luna is the above-average portion sizes of their food (even for a mexican-style restaurant). A couple of favorite schemes were the Smothered Bean and Cheese Burritos with rice and beans for a side. Also Dallin took a risk and got something he wasn't used to and got three Chicken Burrito smothered with Chile Verde and Onions and Cheese. So the main suggestion we can give is to take a good look at burrito portion of the menu to try and figure out which combination would taste best to you. Prices are low here too, so feel free to load up on them burritos. But be warned: if you get more than one, the chances of you needing a To-Go box start to drastically increase! Overall La Luna gets a 3 and a half taco rating:

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