Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Asian Star (Midvale)

   Ah, the Asian Star... quite a wonderful place for, well, Asian cuisine. This location is in a two-story building in Midvale, right off of Union Park Ave (1300 east). It has been mentioned in previous entries that most of our rating system focuses on the quality of the food and other factors only enter if they are extreme enough to effect the quality of the food. Well this was one of those times, but all of it is on the the positive side of the spectrum. It took 5 minutes for our food to come out after we ordered and about 8 minutes for Kevin's sushi to come out. Service was spot-on and the food was fantastic! But don't take my word for it, take a look at what everyone else thinks!


Allan: Okay, Kevin, what food did get tonight at the Asian Star?
Kevin:  The Broccoli Stir Fry and a Mars Roll.
Allan: Right. Anything that you liked about it? Was it all good?
Kevin: The Stir Fry was excellent--it was the Broccoli Stir Fry with a really good sauce of some sort. Just all-around really good tasting. The Mars Roll had tuna and avocado and shrimp, fantastic--I love Mars Rolls. All-in-all, excellent, I give it 5 tacos.


Allan: Alright, Ashlee what did you get tonight?
Ashlee: I got the Tangerine Sweet and Sour Chicken and some Lettuce Wraps. Gluten-free.
Allan: Gluten-free lettuce wraps. Was there anything that stood out about it?
Ashlee: Um yeah, the whole thing was amazing, as always--as it is here.
Allan: Is there [anything else]...?
Ashlee: The sauce is really good, the lettuce wraps were a lot better than I was even expecting, so that's cool.
Allan: So, what kind of rating would you give it?
Ashlee: 5 out of 5 Asian Stars.
Allan: She means "tacos".....


Allan: Cuuurtis, what did you get tonight?
Curtis: Allllan, I got Sweet and Sour Chicken.
Allan: What was good about it? What'd you like?
Curtis: Everything was good about it, I think it could have used more vegetables thought. But the onions were really good in there and the sauce was freaking amazing.
Allan: Alright, anything else you wanna add?
Curtis: If you come to Asian Star, try to get on the second floor because it looks like the second floor looks pretty boss.
Allan: True story. Out of 5 taco rating, how many tacos would give this?
Curtis: I'd give this about three and a half tacos.
Allan: Really?
Curtis: Joke! [I'd] give it 4 and a half tacos.

The angelic food washed out the light in this picture
(this is the explanation I choose to give for it).

Allan: I got General Tao's Chicken, I guess that's how you pronounce it. Super delicious, it sat on a bed of... Like these corn chips? Some kind of fried chips (-probably rice-based-) or something like that. We had brown rice to come with it--with our table--and I kind of mixed it (the chicken) up with everything. [It] tasted super delicious. I love the sauce that comes with everything, it mixes [well] with the rice. Textures [and] taste--very good, the flavors just pop out. Super good--I don't think I've ever been disappointed eating here at the Asian Star. I give it a 5 out of 5 taco rating.

This stuff is amazing. It sometimes feels like you can't get enough of it to eat (whatever dish you decide to get). This has been a place that we go to when we know we want some good food. As you can see from the previous reviews we've given, we get around the valley when it comes to food and the Asian Star is one of our favorite places for eating out. I've looked at bad reviews of this place saying that it tastes like Panda Express, but nothing could be further from the truth.
   I know that Curtis is the only one that didn't give a 5 taco rating, but we average out and round up, or down (depending on how close the number is) to the nearest whole, or half number. In this case it rounds up to 5. So our rating for the quality of food this week comes to 5 out of 5 tacos.

For a look at their menu check out this link:

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