Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blue Plate Diner (Sugarhouse)

Blue Plate Diner
   The Blue Plate Diner; it is a hole-in-the-wall kind of place, but the good kind of hole-in-the-wall place. It's super easy to find because it's just on the corner of 2100 south and 2100 east in Sugarhouse. As the name suggests it is definitely patterned after a diner, but with a mix of modern and hipster as well. 
   The food covered the range that a normal diner would cover (i.e. breakfast, lunch and diner foods served most of the day). What was also a big plus was that it was all reasonably priced and affordable. Guy Fieri has hit this place up before and gave a great review on a veggie patty burger, let's see how the rest of the food was!


Allan: Alright, with me today is Curtis, Curtis what did you get?
Curtis: I got the Chicken and Hummas Wrap.
Allan: Interesting, hummas. How was it?
Curtis: It was really good! And it wasn't too overly sauced with the hummas. It was really good because it had really good grilled chicken [in] there with the avocado and the hummas just really  brought it together.
Allan: Alright, so what is hummas, per se and it sounds like their hummas kind of stood out from hummas you've had before?
Curtis: The only word I can describe--that I could use to describe hummas would be: awesomeness. And it was actually better than hummas at some of the other places I've had hummas.
Allan: Anything else you wanna add?
Curtis: I give it 4 and a half tacos.


Allan:  Alright, Kevin what did you get tonight?
Kevin: I got the Tuna Melt with Cheese Fries and a side of white toast. 
Allan: Okay, was there anything that stood out? Anything that was like "Oh my gosh, I would so come back here and get this again!" Although I guess technically this is the second time you've had this here, right?
Kevin: Yeah, actually you know I'm picky about my Tuna Melts and this place makes an excellent, fabulous Tuna Melt. Its just melts-in-your-mouth deliciousness.  
Allan: Alright, how many tacos would you give this meal?
Kevin: I would probably give it just four, because the cheese fries aren't the greatest cheese fries ever. 


Allan: Alright, with me is Kira, Kira what did you get?
Kira: I got the Tuna Melt.
Allan: How did you like it?
Kira: I liked it, there was a little bit too much onion in it, so I picked a lot of them out. But besides that it was really good.
Allan: So even with onions, out of a 5 taco rating system, how much would you rate this Tuna Melt?
Kira: The Onions flavor was good, I just don't like the crunch. So if I could stand the crunch I'd probably give it 4 tacos, but because I had to pick them out, I'm gonna say 3 and a half.

Allan: I got the Pork Chili Verde Burrito. It came with a delicious chili verde sauce, and it was just the right kind of level of spicy. Inside were black beans and since I am a fan of black beans it went over very well with me. The pork tasted very good and was a good complement to the rest of the burrito. And one of my favorite parts about it is that it was smothered with melt cheese on top (as you can see), with a quarter of an avocado on top as a decoration/part of the meal. Overall I would have to give this baby 4 and a half tacos.

Allan: K Josh, what did you get tonight?
Josh: Chicken Verde Burrito.
Allan: And I know that you are a connoisseur of Mexican foods and all that. [A] fan of La Luna and La Frontera, what did you think of this burrito?
Josh: It needed more chicken.
Allan: More chicken? Every thing else was good though?
Josh: It didn't have enough chicken in it, it only had a little bit. It was mostly beans.
Allan: Yeah that was kind of the same way with mine, but I'm a fan of the black beans. Out of a 5 taco rating system, how many tacos would you give your meal?
Josh: 4


Allan: With me is Colby, Colby what did you get?
Colby: Buffalo Burger.
Allan: And how was it? Was there anything that was just amazing about? What is their buffalo burger about?
Colby: The Buffalo Burger doesn't have buffalo sauce and it's not buffalo meat. So it's kind of a weird burger. I didn't really taste the buffalo so it was just a normal burger--it was alright. It wasn't the best, but their spicy cheese fries are pretty good.
Allan: So there wasn't like, any spices in the patty, or anything? In the cheese?
Colby: You had to pay an extra dollar for cheese, it didn't come with cheese, so it was annoying. 
Allan: So how many tacos would you give your meal tonight Colby.
Colby: I would give it a 3.


(-The audio file was a mess-up. It is really just Kevin going "yeeeeeeaah." Which Ashlee copied right afterwards-)

Ashlee: Yeaaaah, I got the fish tacos. Nothing really stood out and the rice was hard like it wasn't cooked right. So it was just kinda blah. I give it two and a half tacos.


Allan: Okay, with me is Kayrene, Kayrene what'd you get?
Kayrene: I got French Toast with some Hash Browns.
Allan: And how was that? How was the breakfast here at the Blue Plate Diner?
Kayrene: It was alright, but I would much rather go to an actual breakfast place, because [the] breakfast [would be] a lot better there. It was just decent. 
Allan: What made it decent? What could have made it better?
Kayrene: Having a little more flavor--it was kind of just, plain and dry.
Allan: Plain and dry, alright. What kind of taco rating would you give it?
Kayrene: About 2 and a half.

   For those of you that listen to the audio files, I've had some problems using the voice recorder app (human error), so there were a couple of audio reviews that aren't available for listening this time. So, this time eating out seemed to be not too bad. There were some disappointments, as well as some new respect for the food at this establishment. At the Blue Plate Diner there is a waitress to take care of you, but you pay for your food at the bar, which is not unheard of in a food establishment. Even with some of the unsatisfied reviewers, I feel like we would all probably be up for coming here again. And with everyone's combined review, the Blue Plate Diner gets a 3 and a half taco rating this time:

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