Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Francesco's (Taylorsville)

   Francesco's (frahn-CHES-koes) is a locally owned and operated restaurant in Taylorsville. I believe that when it first opened it was called "Francesco's," then (I think) there was a new owner who changed the name to "Chef Tom's Italian Cafe." It was later then purchased by the current owners and re-renamed back to "Francesco's." It's a cozy little place with a lighting scheme and general feel of an Americanized-Italian cafe.
    It took a little bit for our waitress to get our order, but that was probably due to our group arriving in bits and pieces, as well as the fact that she seemed to have her hands quite full for a portion of the night.
   This time around I decided to change the layout of the review portion. Because the same food of a restaurant can range from disappointing to fantastically-amazing, I am starting to add individual taco ratings for each person so you can get a feel for items that might be great and others to maybe steer away from. But enough of that, onward towards the reviews!!!


Allan: With me is Colby--Colby what did you get to eat tonight?
Colby: I got the lasagna with the Italian pepperoni--bacon... what's it called...?
Allan: Canadian bacon?
Colby: ...Canadian bacon with some garlic bread. It was pretty good. The pizza [is] a little dry, the crust is kinda hard, but other than that it's a good pizza. Overall [with] the lasagna it's decent, I mean nothing too special, but it was pretty good.
Allan: Colby, one more thing, out of a 5 taco rating, how many tacos would you give your food tonight?
Colby: The pizza and the lasagna together probably made it a 2 and a half... maybe three.


Kevin:I had the Ravioli with meat sauce, it was really good the ravioli was meat filled and delicious!! I also had the mini pizza with the Italian Combination with sausage and ham it was really delicious!! I love the food at Francescos I'd give it a 4 out of 5 tacos... I'd give it a 5 out of 5 if I can include the cheese sticks in my vote! SOOOOOO good!!! 

Anthony embodying The Fonz 

Allan: Anthony, what food did you get tonight?
Anthony: I got the mini pizza combo.
Allan: What came with it?
Anthony: A mini pizza that had pepperoni on it (I chose pepperoni), chicken and tomato slices and [I] also chose a caesar salad as the side.
Allan: What made it taste good? Did it taste good?
Anthony: What made it taste good.... not much--just kidding. It was actually pretty good, but I think it would have been much better if I was in the mood for it. [The] pizza was decent and the caesar salad was decent, it was an average meal. It would have been better if I was in the mood for it, but I wasn't in the mood for it
Allan: So it's just a kind of "mood" thing. So otherwise, if you were in the mood for it, how would you rate this in a five taco rating system.
Anthony: Even if I was in the mood for it, it still would have been "decent." I'd say it was like a 2 and a half tacos--2 taco rating."


Allan: I got the chicken cordon bleu tonight, I got spaghetti as a side--you can choose many different pastas for [the side]. It's got spaghetti with sauce. The cordon bleu wasn't what I was expecting, I was expecting... kind of like a hot-pocket-looking deep-fried item, with the cheese and ham & chicken on the inside. But really what came out was an awesome chicken breast [with] canadian bacon, mozzarella cheese and some kind of sauce that went with it. [It was] surprisingly good and quite delicious, I would have to say that I would give it 4 tacos out of 5.

Allan: Miranda, what food did you get tonight lady?
Miranda: Chicken parmesan and baked potato.
Allan: How was it?
Miranda: It was delicious, it was the best.
Allan: Was there anything that stood out? Anything you wanted to mention? Anything you'd like people to know?
Miranda: The baked potato only comes with sour cream and butter--and it was still good. And the chicken was amazing with the red sauce.
Allan: Cool. Out of a 5 taco rating system, how many tacos would you give this meal?
Miranda: 5
Allan: 5 tacos... yes!

Ashlee Ann
Allan: Ashlee, I am with right now and we found that there is actually some food here at Francesco's that she can eat, because we previously assumed that she couldn't eat anything here. Ashlee, what did you get tonight?
Ashlee: Ashlee got the grilled chicken breast, it had parmesan cheese and like, ham, Italian ham underneath it? Can't even remember what it's cal--canadian bacon! And I got a baked potato on the side.
Allan: Alright, what did you think about it?
Ashlee: The chicken was really good, I liked it. I was really happy that I got to eat anything, so I'm happy. And the baked potato was not that great, but the chicken was really good.
Allan: Awesome. Anything else you want people to know?
Ashlee: Allan's cool, because he went and looked for food that I could eat.
Allan: "Hurray" me! Out of a 5 taco rating system, how would you rate your food quality tonight?
Ashlee: 3 and a half tacos.

One thing that was not really mentioned in any of our reviews (except for the serious one Kevin gave, which was lost) was the amazing, addictive cheesy-garlic bread that I believe came with the meal. In fact, I was only able to snag this picture of it before it was devoured (this was our fourth plate):
Overall, most of us are fans of Francesco's; they have really good italian food for decent prices. Despite how some of our meals were this time, I believe that this is a place that we would happily visit again. The taco rating this week (which is derived and rounded up, or down to the nearest taco) is going to be 3 and a half tacos out of 5.

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