Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Red Robin (Murray Location)

   Known most for their "Gourmet burgers" (if you don't believe me, just look at the sign). They focus mainly on burgers and the variations that come from them--i.e. chicken burgers, sandwiches, etc... Their fries are known to be pretty delicious, but usually in conjunction with their brand of fry sauce. This is the first time we have been here while doing this blog, which was one of the reasons we finally decided on this establishment. All of us got something different, so can see what looks good from the wide variety of food we got this time Let's take a look!


Allan: Ashlee, what'd you get tonight?

Ashlee: I got [the] Gourmet Gluten-Free Red Robin Burger.
Allan: Alright, so how was it?
Ashlee: It was gooooood. I am always a fan of Red Robin, the bread was a little over-cooked though. 
Allan: Okay, anything else that stood out about it? Besides it being gluten-free?
Ashlee: Well that's the one thing I really like about Red Robin, is that they have the option to have gluten-free buns. So, that's always a huge, standing-out point for me--because they give me a little bit more options than most places. And their fries are always amazing.
Allan: Cool what kind of rating would you give it?
Ashlee: Since today wasn't the best--but I still love this place--I'll give it 4.


Allan: Kevin, what did you get tonight?
Kevin: I got the Red's big burger.... I think it's called?
Allan: Is that just like one of their common: "Hey, I wanted just a burger" "Here you go" kind-of burgers?
Kevin: Yeah, it's their "I'm not going to make this fancy so it's actually gonna be good" type of [burger].
Allan: Oh, well then did they pull that scenario off for you?
Kevin: It's Red Robin, so it could've been better--or no, it could've been worse.
Allan: Anything else that stood out? 
Kevin: The fries were cold, I was a little disappointed with that. But, there was nothing special about them.
Allan: What kind of rating would you give this meal?
Kevin: I'll give it 3 since it tasted decent for Red Robin--'cause I'm not a huge fan of Red Robin. And it was just plain--unlike the rest of their crap that they try to spice'n up--it's just awful. 
Allan: So 3. Okay.


Allan: Julia (Goolia), what'd you get tonight?
Goolia: I modified my meal. I got the Red's Tavern Double with no tomatoes, and I added onion straws.
Allan: Alright, what was good about it? 
Goolia: I like the onion straws, so that's what's good about it. It's a good burger, I don't have to cook it so I'm happy. And I like their fry sauce--their fry sauce is awesome.  
Allan: Alright, what kind of rating would you give your meal?
Goolia: 3 and a half.

Ashlee: K Curtis, what'd you get?
Curtis: I got the Whiskey BBQ Chicken Wrap.
Ashlee: Nice, how'd it taste?
Curtis: Really good. 
Ashlee: Good. Is there anything else you wanna add?
Curtis: The sauce on there was pretty good. I wish they would have given me more fries... I only got like 5 fries with it. But it's bottomless (-the fries-) and that's a plus. But other than that it was really good. 
Ashlee: And what taco rating would you give it?
Curtis: I'd say 3 and a half tacos.

Allan: Anthony, what'd you get today?
Anthony: I got the soup and salad combo, with just a plain salad with 1000 Island and then the soup was their Tortilla Soup.
Kevin: Why'd you get that?
Anthony: I got it because I ate Red Robin for lunch and I had to come here again, and I thought "You know I'm not really that hungry, so I'll get something a little lighter," and it treated me well.
Allan: So this meal, what would you rate it?
Anthony: I would give it--I mean it was a basic meal--I'd give it 4 tacos for just being what it was. 


Curtis: Kira, hi, how are you? What'd you get?
Kira: I'm good, I got the Prime Rib Dip.
Curtis: How was it?
Kira: It was not very good.
Curtis: What do you mean it wasn't very good? What was wrong with it?
Kira: It had kind of an odd taste, kind of a chemical taste.
Curtis: Alright, so a weird taste. [Were] there any redemptive qualities? Did it have something that tasted good?
Kira: Not really, and I really didn't get any fries, so I was disappointed. And it took them a long time to get our food, and there was odd juice spilled on my fries when I got my plate. 
Curtis: So out of the taco rating, what would you give it?
Kira: I'm gonna give it a 1.
Curtis: 1 taco.

 Curtis: (Singing intro song) I'm here with Josh Terry--Josh, what'd you get?
Josh: Burnin' Love.
 Curtis: Burnin' Love, alright. And how was that Burnin' Love? 
Josh: It was really spicy.
 Curtis: Spiceeey. Did it hurt? 
Josh: It hurt a little bit, yes.
 Curtis: So you better watch out if you get this because you might get heart-burn, or an upset stomach--Josh, is that what you're saying?
Josh: Yes. 
 Curtis: Alirght, so Josh what would you rate it out of the rating system?
Josh: I would give it 5 tacos. It's that same thing I always get when I come here--it's really good.
 Curtis: Alright, that's Josh Terry everybody.


The BLTA Croissant Sandwich:

Allan: Danielle, what'd you get tonight?
Danielle: I had something that I can't remember the name of. But it was their only croissant sandwich on the menu. 
Allan: The croissant sandwich, okay. How was your croissant sandwich?
Danielle: The croissant was super underwhelming. Like I could have made a better one at home. Like the bread wasn't that great, but I got freckled fruit for the side and their fries are delicious. But the freckled fruit was killer, like it was so good.
Allan: What makes it freckled? Was it red-headed too?
Danielle: I don't know. The main fruits were strawberries and apples and I think they just had it sitting in sugar, so it caused it's own syrup, but it's a very light, fruity, non-artificial syrup. It was just delicious, I was all over that. 
Allan: Alright, anything else about the croissant?
Danielle: I could have made a better one at home, so don't get it. But if you're in a group of people just steal their fries, and get freckled fruit. Because that's what I did, because their fries are really good too.
Allan: So how would you rate the croissant meal? 
Danielle: I would honestly give it like a 1 and a half. It really wasn't--like the croissant in-and-of-itself [wasn't good]. But the freckled fruit was like a 5, so I guess if you round that out it's like a 3, I don't know, I'm not good at math.

The Gooey Chocolate Brownie Cake:

Allan: Alright, and you also got a dessert--what'd you get?
Danielle: I did! I got the brownie cake. And it was really good. Like the brownie cake in-and-of-itself--if you were to get it plain--is pretty dry, but it had like this giant heap of vanilla ice cream, and like all this freckled fruit syrup around it, with strawberries and deliciousness, and so it made it really moist when you ate it altogether--which was good. Because if you have moist cake with all that stuff, it would probably just drown and die, but since it was pretty dry it held it's own in the meal.
Allan: Okay, what would you rate the dessert?
Danielle: I'd probably give it a 4.

Chocolate Brownie Cake

Allan: Yes, I got the Colossus Burger. It caught my eye because it had chopped smoked brisket on it, provolone cheese, BBQ sauce, and it came together on a classic burger setting. It was all-in-all pretty filling, fairly delicious--the sauteed onions gave it a nice taste to it (I'm not normally a fan of onions), but the onions really [accentuated] the flavor. I would have to say--with the fries and everything it tasted great too-but I would have to say that I'd probably give this a rating of 4 tacos.  

   And there we have it folks. It seems that if you are a fence-sitter when it comes to burgers, or if you outright aren't a fan of Red Robin, you probably won't enjoy your experience that much. Some of the highlights were the freckled fruit (which sounds amazing), the Burnin' Love Burger (probably not for the sensitive palate), the Tortilla Soup and the chocolate brownie cake (which capitalizes on the freckled fruit). Generally speaking, the fries were a favorite point for most of us, as well as their fry sauce. I believe this is also the first review that we have done where someone gave it a 1 taco rating on the Prime Rib Dip, so that would probably be a sandwich to avoid. But if your looking for crazy burger variations for a meal, then Red Robin is the place for you.

You can find Red Robin's menu right HERE

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